FAQ Rich Snippets
Now boost the search engine visibility of your website by displaying the
FAQ rich snippets in your website’s search results.
FAQ Rich Snippets Element – Boxed Layout
Now boost your search engine visibility by displaying the FAQ rich snippets in your website’s search results. This element will help you add FAQs to your website and generates the required schema markup using JSON format that Google will use to display in search results for the page you’ve added this element. The element comes with two layouts – descriptive ( boxed ) and the accordion ( toggle ). Let’s see how the descriptive or boxed layout looks –
Search Results Preview
Here’s the search engine result preview of one of our elements using the FAQ rich snippets element. You can control the questions and answers being displayed. By default, Google will pick all the questions and answers added using the element.

Frequently Asked Questions
Content that represents a question and its answer, you can mark it up using the FAQPage schema.
Schema.org has more info on FAQ structured data and at a Google Dance event in Singapore in July 2018 Google announced they will start using this in search. You can find Google’s documentation here.
FAQ Rich Snippets is a WPBakery Page Builder element that comes with Elegant Elements and helps you to define the questions and answers section on your webpage and generates the required schema markup using JSON format to make your webpage eligible for showing faqs in search results.
Schema.org has more info on FAQ structured data and at a Google Dance event in Singapore in July 2018 Google announced they will start using this in search. You can find Google’s documentation here.
Usually, Google takes less than 30 minutes if your website is already ranking on first page for a certain keyword and has a good page speed scores. You can try searching any of our elements ( eg. Elegant Fancy Button ) in Google and you can see the live preview.
WPBakery Page Builder is a Frontend and Backend Page Builder for WordPress.
Elegant Elements is an add-on for the WPBakery Page Builder plugin that provides number of features that core WPBakery plugin doesn't provide and help you design websites faster than ever.