Elegant Elements WPBakery Add-on

Partner Logos

Add your business partners, affiliate partners or any partners logos to your website.
You can link back to their site or display more information in modals.

Showcase your partner logos

Display your partner logos with extensive options

Logos with default settings

Logos with single border settings

Logos custom link

You can add link to individual logo and let your visitors visit your partner website when they click on the logo.
Logo links can be set to open in new tab or in the current tab only. Also, logo max height and width can also be set, so that the logos will look same.

Open modal on logo

Want to display some information about the partner? Here you go.
We have added an option to open a modal on the partner logo click. So, just create a modal and give it a nice name, and assign it to your partner logo. Let your visitors know more about your partners without leaving your site.