Elegant Star Ratings
Star Ratings element help you to increase your organic Google search ratings,
increase CTR, and reduce bounce rate
Stand Out In Search Results with Star Ratings



Camera Roles
Feature Highlights
The star ratings element comes with number of options and features that help you design converting landing pages
Choose from sharp and rounded edge stars
Set the solid or outlined stars for unfilled part
Option to Choose between 5 and 10 Stars
Control the icon size
Set different colors for the filled and unfilled stars
Control the spacing between icons
Set rating from 0 to 10 based on number of stars
You can set the ratings with decimal numbers like 4.5
Align the ratings element to Left / Center / Right
The Star Ratings element implements the Rich Snippets
Design the perfect star rating for your needs
Build trust among users with the Star Ratings
Some Examples
Here are a few examples of different icons and colors
There are many other customizations available
You can customize the colors of the text and the icons on hover and default icon color etc.